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Buchanan High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Special Education

Welcome to Special Education

Who are our Special Education Teachers?

Five individuals in blue aprons standing in a coffee shop interior.

Buchanan High School is very fortunate to have a wide range of educational opportunities for our Special Education population.  Everyone is different and we all learn in different settings.  What Buchanan does is offer different programs that best match the needs of our students.  Programs range from having teachers that just consult or check in on students to Special Day Classes where the students are in the same classroom with the same teacher the entire day.  Each program is designed with the highest level of rigor possible for the students in that program, challenging them to learn at these high levels and expectations. Another wonderful thing about the Buchanan student population is the culture of embracing those around that might be a little different.

Students in the Special Education population have case managers that work individually with the students and develop Individual Educational Plans that is custom designed for each student.  Educational goals are set, some behavior goals could be set, it's really about what the student needs.  Students are identified through a variety of observations, assessments, and conversations with teachers, parents, the student (that comprise the IEP team).

Our students compete in Special Olympics competitions.  They perform in our schoolwide talent show titled "Harmony" with our Leadership students.  And we have a new sports competitive team for the CUSD titled "Clovis United".  These teams will compete against our sister schools in both soccer and basketball.  This new event is being launched this year with the anticipation of it growing to a larger scale.

Our Functional Life Skills students run a small business titled "Coffee Cave".  The students take orders and make specialty coffee drinks.  They run the register and at times deliver the drinks to teachers on the Buchanan Campus. Students learn how to greet customers and other required skills that will help them secure employment once they leave Buchanan.  This small business is a win win for all!

CUSD Department of Special Education & Psychological Services

For questions or concerns, please contact:

CUSD Department of Special Education & Psychological Services

Professional Development Building

1680 David E. Cook Way

Clovis, California 93611

559. 327. 9400

559. 327. 9429 Fax