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Buchanan High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

World Languages

Word Languages text with background of different country flags

World Language Team

Nicolas Gonzaleznicolasgonzalez@cusd.comSpanish 2 & 3; AP SpanishGonzalez's Website
Pajqhoob Leepajqhooblee@cusd.comHmong 1, 2 & 3 
Yazmin Manjarrezyazminmanjarrez@cusd.comSpanish 1 & 2Manjarrez's Website
Gabrielle OHaragabrielleohara@cusd.comSpanish 2OHara's Website
Angel Rodriguezangelrodriguez@cusd.comSpanish 1Rodriguez's Website
Mark Trottermarktrotter@cusd.comSpanish 1Trotter's Website 
May Choua French 1, 2 & 3 
Lili Wongliliwong@cusd.comChinese 1, 2 &3; AP ChineseWong's Website
Spanish 2 & 3; AP Spanish 
Hmong 1, 2 & 3 
Spanish 1 & 2 
Spanish 2 
Spanish 1 
Spanish 1 
French 1, 2 & 3 
Chinese 1,2 & 3; AP Chinese 

The image shows colorful letters spelling "SPANISH," each pinned to a corkboard background.

  • Spanish 1
    Spanish 1 AB is an introduction to the language. Vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented through thematic units with an emphasis on oral, listening, reading and writing expressions. Students will develop an appreciation for the Hispanic culture and its influence throughout the world.
  • Spanish 2
    Spanish 2 AB continues to expand the students’ knowledge of the language through additional and extended thematic units. Extensive oral communication and grammatical development will be obtained through projects, literature, written expression and cultural activities.
  • Spanish 3
    Spanish 3 is designed to expand and strengthen oral, reading and written communication with an emphasis on literature, composition and conversation.
  • AP Spanish
    AP Spanish Language AB (HP) covers the curriculum necessary for students to successfully pass the College Board exam in May for college placement and/ or credit.

The image shows the word "Bonjour" spelled out with individual paper cutouts pinned to a corkboard


  • French 1
    French 1 AB is an introduction to the language. Vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented through thematic units with an emphasis on oral, listening, reading and writing expressions. Students will develop an appreciation for the French culture and its influence throughout the world
  • French 2
    French 2 AB continues to expand the students’ knowledge of the language through additional and extended thematic units. Extensive oral communication and grammatical development will be obtained through projects, literature, written expression and cultural activities.
  • French 3
    French 3AB is designed to expand and strengthen oral, reading and written communication with an emphasis on literature, composition and conversation.



The image shows the word "Chinese" spelled out with different colored and styled cut-out letters on a corkboard background

  • Chinese 1AB
    Chinese 1AB is an introduction to Mandarin Chinese. Vocabulary and grammatical structure of everyday situations are covered with emphasis on oral communication. Students gain comprehension in character writing of basic sentence structures. They will also develop an appreciation for the Chinese culture, both ancient and modern
  • Chinese 2AB
    Chinese 2AB extends the student’s ability in aural comprehension and speaking for direct comprehension without translation. Practice is given in using language structures, writing adapted dialogues, and writing from dictation. Outstanding figures in Chinese history, art, literature, music, and science are introduced.
  • Chinese 3AB
    Chinese 3AB enhances the student’s ability to think critically in the Chinese language through the study of literature. Appreciation of art and literature will be the main focus.
  • AP Chinese
    The AP Chinese Language and Culture course in Mandarin Chinese emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations. This includes vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. The AP Chinese Language and Culture course strives not to overemphasize grammatical accuracy at the expense of communication. To best facilitate the study of language and culture, the course is taught almost exclusively in Chinese.
Alt text: The image shows the word "Chinese" spelled out with different colored and styled cut-out letters on a corkboard background







The image shows the word "Hmong" formed with colorful letter blocks on a corkboard background

  • Hmong 1AB
    Hmong 1 AB is an introduction to the language. Vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented through thematic units with an emphasis on oral, listening, reading and writing expressions. Students will develop an appreciation for the Hmong culture and its influence throughout the world.
  • Hmong 2AB
    Hmong 2AB is designed to provide a more in-depth knowledge of the Hmong language for non-native speakers. This course will extend student’s knowledge of Hmong language through the use of short stories, history, art and music. The course will maintain and extend oral language, written language, and cultural literacy learned in Hmong 1AB.
  • Hmong 3AB
    Hmong 3AB is designed to expand and strengthen oral, reading and written communication with an emphasis on culture, composition, and conversation.