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Buchanan High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Parking Permit

Buchanan High School Parking Links

To purchase a parking pass:

  1. Log in to Parent Connect 
  2. Click on blue “Annual Update” at the top right hand of the screen.
  3. Click on the Students Profile Picture that needs the parking permit.
  4. Click on the Buchanan High School Downloads tab located on left hand side of screen.
  5. Enter Students Driver’s License Number and Click the “Add” Button
  6. Scroll across the screen to enter car information (insurance policy number, Make Model, License plate number etc.) Do not leave any field blank.
  7. Click box that reads “I agree that I have reviewed.”
  8. Click the “Submit” button on the top left hand of the screen.


Once completed the student will pick up and pay ($10.00) for the Parking Permit at the Attendance window before school, at lunch or after school.

We no longer accept paper Parking Permit Applications.  All Parking Permit information must be inputted in Parent Connect.

A bear confidently driving a car, gripping the steering wheel with determination and focus.