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Buchanan High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for graduation, students must:

  • Earn 230 credits
  • Complete all subject requirements.


Progress Towards Graduation

Twice a year, students are provided a copy of their academic transcript which shows total credits earned and are encouraged to review in detail to determine if they are on-track for graduation. Students who are deficient in credits or subject requirements need to meet with their counselor right away to develop a plan to get back on track. For most students, this means attending summer school or completing additional independent study work during the regular school year.


Check your status twice a year: 



Semester 1 

Semester 2 


 30 credits

60 credits 


 80 credits

110 credits 


 140 credits

170 credits 


 200 credits

230 credits 

CUSD Course Catalog

The Course Description Catalog describes Clovis Unified School District's curricular offerings each school year. In collaboration with their counselor, students are encouraged to select interesting and challenging courses that will best prepare them for post-secondary experiences and options.