Utilization of parent input is offered through a number of forums at our school, including site and community booster organization groups to ensure a diverse representation. These groups allow for ongoing dialogue to take place between school staff and parents. These groups include:
Whenever there are 51 or more EL students in the district, there shall be a functioning District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). It is important that each school site ELAC elect a DELAC representative and arrange to have that representative attend every DELAC meeting. Currently the DELAC bylaws require each DELAC representative to be 1) a parent/guardian of an EL or former EL (i.e., a reclassified fluent English proficient student) currently enrolled at the site he/she represents, and 2) elected to serve as the DELAC representative by the site ELAC.
Football Boosters, Baseball Boosters, Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Boosters, Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball Boosters, Wrestling Boosters, Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball Boosters, Cross Country/Track Boosters, Boys’ and Girls’ Water Polo/Swimming Boosters, Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis Boosters, and Pep & Cheer Boosters primary functions are to fundraise for students involved in athletics.
Provide monetary support for marching band, color guard, concert bands, orchestra, jazz band and all choral performance groups.