The Clovis Unified School District offers a wide range of summer programs for students ranging from Elementary Enrichment, Intermediate Leadership Academies, English Learner Academies, and Secondary Credit Recovery and Original Credit courses for a variety of subjects.
Each year these programs are held on numerous campuses within the district and begin at various times. For more information regarding Summer School for Buchanan High School students, please see the information below.
Summer School 2024
In-class "face-to-face" information
Independent Study Information
Original Credit Eligibility
Students must have an impacted schedule (AVID, advanced drama, band, leadership, etc.) the following year AND a 3.0 semester grade-point average in order to to be eligible for summer school.
NOTE ABOUT SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASSES: Students are allowed to take only ONE summer social science course for original credit during their four years of high school. For example, if a student took World History for original credit last summer, he/she WILL NOT be able to take US History for original credit this summer. This rule does not apply to students who need to retake a social science class for credit recovery (see Credit Recover Eligibility requirements below).
Credit Recovery Eligibility
Students must be enrolled at a Clovis Unified school, must need to repeat a course (due to a "D" or "F" grade), and/or be deficient in credits/required courses for graduation in order to be eligible for summer school.
Transportation to summer school sites is available to students who have in-person/face-to-face classes only. Visit the CUSD Website for a list of summer transportation bus schedules.