Clovis Unified School District Career Technical Education Vision and Mission statements were recently created by a team of teachers, counselors, and administration.
Our Vision - To strive to be America's leader in exemplary Career Technical Education.
Our Mission - Clovis Unified School District provides innovative Career Technical Education through high quality, rigorous educational pathways developed in partnership with business and industry allowing students to pursue their passions while becoming college and career ready.
CTE Teachers and the Pathways they are involved:
Child Development –
Digital, Visual, and Media Arts –
Education –
Education/ Digital, Visual, and Media Arts –
Engineering Design –
Entrepreneurship –
Environmental Resources –
Environmental Resources – – Website
Food Service and Hospitality –
Patient Care –
Performing Arts –
Production and Managerial Arts –
Career Technical Education are educational pathways that focus on a specific industry field. Students take all the required courses necessary for graduation and/or college entrance, but their electives focus on an industry field that they have an interest in possibly working as a career. In these classes, students learn real life technical skills based on industry standards. Courses are project based and can be very rigorous while at the same time exciting and fun. Several classes take field trips to the industry they are studying. Students earn industry certifications in most of the pathways, work in community classrooms (meaning out of school in a professional field), and in some courses earn college credit.
Buchanan currently offers other CTE courses that are not currently in a pathway. They still are project based courses and teaches real world skills that can be used in securing employment after high school. These courses include Basic Auto, Basic Woodworking & Intermediate Woodworking.
Buchanan's goal is to see that all pathways will in the near future earn some type of college credit in their pathway.
There are 15 Sectors in CTE (Career Technical Education) and within each Sector are different Pathways. A Pathway will have an introductory class, a concentrator course (more detail), and a capstone course (which includes community classroom, internships, high level skill development, & certifications).
Pathways at Buchanan include:
Patient Care - Focus on Sports Medicine, Athletic Training & we are currently writing an intro course Allied Health.
Production and Managerial Arts - Videography and film production
Food Service and Hospitality - Culinary Arts and Hospitality
Education - Courses developed to grow new teachers
EngineeringDesign - Introduction to Design, Honors Principals of Engineering, & Honors Engineering Design & Development
Environmental Resources - Chemistry/Environmental Engineering-Water, Honors Environmental Sustainability, & AP Environmental Studies
Pathways under construction include:
Entrepreneurship - Marketing, Business Finance, Entrepreneurship
Media and Design Arts - Digital Photography, Journalism & Production, Yearbook Publication
CTE Courses that are non-pathway
Basic Auto, Basic Woodworking & Intermediate Woodworking
CTE (Career Technical Education)
What is CTE?
Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. In total, about 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE across the nation. CTE prepares these learners for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.
What is ROP?
Regional Occupational Program (ROP) a state-funded educational program providing career preparation and guidance to meet identified educational and industry standards with some on the job training. These classes are ideal for students that are determining their career focus, seeking a career, or enhancing their current skills.
What is a CTE Pathway?
There are 15 Sectors in CTE and within each Sector are different Pathways. A Pathway will have an introductory class, a concentrator course (more detail), and a capstone course (which includes community classroom, internships, high level skill development, & certifications).
CTE Pathways at Buchanan High School
For CTE pathway selections click here.
CTE/ROP classes offered at CUSD high schools
Juniors and seniors have the option of taking CTE/ROP classes at any of the Clovis Unified high schools. Students attend CTE/ROP classes for two periods. Unfortunately, CUSD does not provide transportation to other school sites for any of the CTE/ROP classes.