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Buchanan High School

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Health Office

Contact – Credentialed School Nurse – 327-3077 – Licensed Vocational Nurse – 327-3078



  1. The Health Office is located on the east side of campus in the Administration building. 
  2. When coming to pick up an ill/injured student, parent(s)/guardian (s) must stop at the Receptionist’s desk in the Main Office prior to signing out their student in the Health Office.
  3. Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 3:45 pm.
  4. Students being sent home must be signed out in the health office.
  5. A full-time Licensed Vocational Nurse and a Credentialed School Nurse are in the office. – Credentialed School Nurse – 327-3077 – Licensed Vocational Nurse – 327-3078


  1. Keep emergency contact information updated with current home, work, and cell number(s).
  2. Provide name(s) and updated phone number(s) of relative(s) or friend(s) to call if we cannot reach parent(s)/guardian(s).
  3. Keep your student informed about your whereabouts.
  4. Traveling out of town – Please make sure someone on your student’s emergency contact list can be reached.
  5. A PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN must sign the authorization every year allowing the school to seek emergency treatment if the parent or guardian is not available. 
    • This signature also allows the school to give information to emergency medical services and teachers. For any questions or concerns, contact the health office at 559-327-3077.


  1. If a student becomes ill or injured at school, the student will receive every care and consideration.
  2. Parent/guardian will be contacted for injuries of a serious nature or if a student is too ill to remain at school.
  3. Injuries which occur at home should be cared for at home.
  4. The nurse is available to consult with parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding health concerns.
  5. If your student has ONE or more of the following, your student should be kept at home:
    1. Fever of 100.0 or greater within the last 24 hours
    2. Illness affects your student’s ability to participate in class.
    3. Vomiting/diarrhea
    4. Initiation of antibiotics within the past 24 hours
  6. Crutches, wheelchairs, and other medical devices require a medical order from a provider.

CONTAGIOUS DISEASE POLICY -Clovis Unified School District follows California Education Code guidelines for students with an infectious or contagious disease(s). BHS asks parent(s)/guardian(s) cooperation in keeping students out of school and school activities if there is reason to believe the student has a contagious disease (see CUSD: Student and Parent Rights and Responsibilities for policies & regulations).

IMMUNIZATIONS (NO SHOTS, NO ADMITTANCE) - All students entering Intermediate and High School must meet all current California immunization requirements for schools. For additional information, please visit Shots for School.​​​​​​​


  1. ALL medication(s) (even over-the-counter medications including Tylenol, Advil, Midol, etc.) must be accompanied by a “Medication at School” form including a provider(s) written statement. The medication and form must be checked in through the nurse’s office. Students allowed to carry over-the-counter medication(s), inhaler(s) and Epi-Pen(s) must have written authorization from a provider.
  2. CA Education Code Section 49423 requires that prescription and over-the-counter medication to be taken during the school day must be presented with:
    1. written statement from the provider detailing the name of the medication, amount, method, and time schedule by which the medication is to be taken.
      1. written statement from the parent/guardian indicating their desire for the school to assist the student in the matters set forth in the provider(s) statement.
  3. The medication must be clearly labeled and sent to the school in the original container from the pharmacy.
    1. The “Medication at School” form is located on the BHS website. Please review the policy carefully. It is also available on the District Website.
    2. Medication at school forms expire at the end of the school year.
    3. Medications for off-campus activities (field trips, out-of-town performances, Grad Night, etc.) require a “Medication at School” form. Please contact the nurse at least two weeks prior to the event.
    5. The health office does not keep medication for general student use.​​​​​​​

SCREENING PROGRAMS – Hearing Screening (Ed Code 49452) for 10th-grade students will be conducted during the fall semester. Vision and Hearing screening will be conducted for all new students to Clovis Unified. 

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) may exempt their student from screening by submitting a written request to the nurse.

SPECIAL HEALTH NEEDS - If your student has a special health need (i.e. diabetes, asthma, seizure disorder, severe allergies, bees, food, etc.), chronic illness, or physical limitations please contact the nurse. To better plan for your student’s needs, please contact the school nurse BEFORE the FIRST week of school.


  1. Medication orders must be on file in the health office (Education Code. 49423).
  2. Self-pace will mean the student is required to perform the activity as tolerated. ​​​​​​​

SEIZURE DIAGNOSIS/SWIMMING - It is district policy that students with a diagnosed seizure disorder must have:

  1. Written provider clearance to swim.
  2. Written parent/guardian request to participate in any school swimming programs.
  3. Forms are available in the health office or on the Health Office website.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING - Students who are unable to do all or some of the Physical Fitness Tests must present a written medical excuse from their provider to the nurse prior to the beginning of testing.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P.E.) EXCUSES - (Also refer to P.E. policies)

  1. All P.E. excuses from parents/guardians may be given directly to the P.E. teacher. 
  2. All P.E. excuses from a provider are to be given directly to the nurse. The provider’s note will be kept on file in the health office. The student will return to P.E. with verification of their medical excuse from the nurse. 
  3. Students who desire to return to P.E. earlier than the original date provided on the medical order will need written verification from the provider. 
  4. All P.E. medical excuses must be renewed each school year.