The Clovis Unified administration worked with the community to review and update the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Close to 100 school and district meetings were held with parents, students and staff to discuss how to best devote our limited resources to actions and services that support student success.
The 2015-18 LCAP was adopted by the Governing Board on June 17. Based on community feedback, LCAP services continue to be centered around seven focus areas:
Transition Teams were formed in each high school area through LCAP funding with the aim of “Maximizing student achievement” The Buchanan Area Transition Team offers assistance and guidance with college and career readiness; services to students; intervention support; student engagement through co-curricular programs; and parent involvement through our Parent Resource Centers based in portable 7 at Buchanan and portable 2 at Tarpey.
Our founding superintendent, Floyd B. Buchanan Ed. D believed in “Fair break for every kid.” We hold to that ideal and to the idea that all kids can learn and we can teach all kids. As an educational team, we want to see every student reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit.
The Transition Program allows us the opportunity to focus on students who might not seek out support but would benefit from mentoring and increased connections to school resources.
We look forward to working with your student.
The Buchanan Area Transition Team:
Social Media
Instagram: @bhsareatransition
Transitions Survey
Transitions Survey