STUDENT IDAC (BHS Student Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council)
BHS STUDENT IDAC is a group of students focused on enhancing cultural awareness throughout the year by helping to highlight various cultural groups that exist at Buchanan. Currently, four students represent Buchanan's CUSD's IDAC group that meets monthly with the Superintendent. In addition to those two groups, the BHS Principal and Deputy Principal meet quarterly with our six Inter School Council (ISC) BHS representatives. ISC students are district-level student representatives who make sure students across the district, and high schools have a voice at the district level. They devote a large portion of time and work to school projects, including planning and running leadership camps, serving on various committees, and attending and presenting at school board meetings. This year, STUDENT IDAC increased to include representatives from a variety of cultural clubs on campus.
PASA (Principal Advisory for Student Affairs)
PASA meets monthly with the Principal and Deputy Principal. Each year the Principal asks staff to recommend students to this group. The group is formed to keep a representative body that reflects the demographics of the student body. The principal requests that students be chosen who perhaps are not involved in a co-curricular type of activity, thus involving the non-involved students, including students that might have disabilities as well as second language learners who are a part of the group. PASA's Mission is to discuss with the principal areas of improvement for the campus. It is a solution-oriented group that works hand in hand with topics such as bullying, student relationships, social media, using technology, course offerings, teacher relationships, campus safety, and cleanliness. For example, the group worked in a brainstorming session on how to combat vape usage on campus or provide additional support for students with social and emotional struggles.